Energy and Adrenals

"I Am So Happy I Have No Energy" ~ Says No One Ever

While a good night’s sleep is a solution to some people’s feeling of fatigue, for many others, eliminating fatigue is very difficult to achieve. Adrenal functioning and sleep are connected through the inverse relationship of cortisol hormone and melatonin. It is very often observed that modulation of cortisol hormones may improve sleep function, and in turn, energy levels during the day. In other cases, many adults have more complex hormone dysfunction which affects energy and sleep. Only by spending the time and explore the causes will health care practitioners discover the best treatment to support a patient’s ability to function at their best during the day.

Nailing Down the Problem

Lack of energy has been one of the major complaints in the health care system. Before reaching for a stimulant, health care practitioners should be looking at optimizing micro-nutrition imbalances, addressing lifestyle habits and adjusting patient’s sleeping problems. We are often the first-line screening for anemia, thyroid imbalances and hormonal imbalances for patients complaining of fatigue. Often times,we work with patients to reduce their symptoms and increase productivity.